This year sees the 10 th anniversary of the Vans Salinas Longboard Festival and it is going to be a very special edition indeed !!. Situated in Piedra Blancas on the North Coast of Spain , Playa Salinas is the venue for what has become the Biggest Gathering of Longboard surfers in Europe.Whilst listed as a competition, the emphasis is definitely Fun Fun Fun !! With Live music ,BBQs, and entertainment for the whole Family going on during the weekend.!This year is so special as Vans ( the Festivals Main Sponsor ) have confirmed that part of the weekend will feature , For the Very First Time in Europe !! Joel Tudors iconic Duct Tape Invitational.
This is a loose based contest of modern day Log riding!! ( a contest / exhibition !)
The rules stipulate that boards must be Single Fins, & weigh no less than 12 pounds, and riders are encouraged to be inventive !!.
This classic style of surfing, as oppossed to the lightweight, high perfofmance competion surfing, brings us back to the beauty and grace of classic longboard riding that is our roots.
The points system scoring tradional manouvers like hang 10 s and drop knee turns highly.This are the invitees to the Duct Tape Spain
Alex Knost
Robbie Kegel
Tyler Warren
Christian Wach
Ryan Burch
Mikey Detemple
JJ Wessels
Chad Marshall
Kassia Meador
Chris Del Moro
Justin Quintal
Harrison Roach
James Parry
Clovis Donizetti
Special basic Camping arrangements have been made and you can camp (with toilets and showers) for an incredible 10 euros for the whole weekend !!So come on down to Salinas for what promises to be the Classic Longboard gathering of the decade. You dont want to miss this one !!!!
I´m gonna be there for shure !!!! and you ?