Esta "custom" é uma réplica do nosso modelo CRUISER NOSERIDER mas em ponto pequeno (7´6). Já deslizou em vários tipos de ondas e ao que pareçe até ....
Ele há coisas que continuam verdadeiramente a serem feitas á mão. As pranchas de surf são para serem respeitadas nesse sentido. Na minha opinião o "craftsmenship" dá um bocado mais de soul á nossa prancha ...
O exigente júri teve a complicada tarefa de escolher as melhores 6 fish do evento na qual se incluiu uma speed dialer 5´10 cá da malta. É de salientar que todas as pranchas apresentadas no evento tinham uma qualidade e acabamentos muito acima do excelente. Parabens a todos os artesãos e LETS GO FISH !!!
I shape boards that i´m interested in riding. Logs, hulls, single fins, tradicional fishes or prototypes that are combinations of these designs. I believe in customizing surfboards for the individual. I grew up with access to this kind of one on one experience, for me it has been one of the most enjoyable parts of the surfing journey. I´de like to continue to make that experience available for other surfers. Shaping surfboards is a craft, it takes years and years to develope ones skills. I shape and teste every each model untill it´s been exaustly refined the way i want to surf. Sometimes this translates for other surfers, sometimes it doesn´t. This is the beauty of one on one custom shaping, the shaper is able to talk about and consider what the surfer wants before aplying his skills and experience.
I don´t believe in making cheap replicated surfboards. We´re available to custom orders only. all boards are shaped from a blank.